Sustainable Life Hacks
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Vinegar and Orange Peel
Cleaning Solution
Place orange peels in a spray bottle and fill with vinegar. Makes a great grease cutter/cleaner for the kitchen, bathroom, and basically anywhere in the home. Though DO NOT use it on windows, as the orange peels add a natural oil to the solution and will cause streaks. This is also a really great cleaner for dishes and utensils when access to water is limited, as it will clean and disinfect but is completely harmless if ingested.

Cooking Oil for Stainless Steel
Once you've used the vinegar and orange peel solution on stainless steel appliances to clean them, put cooking oil on a rag and rub the stainless steel surfaces with it, being sure to buff off any excess when done. This helps keep stainless steel clean and prevent finger marks.
Cinnamon to Deter Fruit Flies, Ants, and Other Pests
Boil a couple of cinnamon sticks in a small pot of water on the stove. Let cool. Transfer the cinnamon sticks into a spray bottle, then fill the bottle with the cooled cinnamon water. Use the spray anywhere fruit flies congregate, or ants and other pests are a problem. BONUS TIP: Add whole cinnamon sticks to your fruit bowl to help keep fruit flies away.

Vinegar to Clean Glass
Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and use it to clean windows. Does a great job, and minimizes streaks.
Vinegar to Clean Microwave
Heat vinegar in a glass measuring cup for 5 minutes. Remove the cup of vinegar (careful, it will be hot!) and set it aside to cool to use in any of the other vinegar hacks listed here. The steam from the vinegar will have loosened any stuck on grime so all you have to do is wipe the inside of the microwave clean with a damp cloth. Not only does it clean, but it also helps to remove any odours, and is completely food safe.

Vinegar and Baking Soda to Unclog, Clean, and Deodorize Sink Drains
Sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda into the sink drain. Pour 1 cup of vinegar slowly over the baking soda and watch it bubble and fizz. For an even better effect, heat vinegar in the microwave first. Once all the bubbling and fizzing has stopped, pour boiling water down the drain to rinse everything clear.
Use Plain Toothpaste to
Clean Shower Glass
Scrub shower glass with plain white toothpaste (not gel) on a damp scrubby sponge. Wash off with soapy water, then rinse clean. Removes built up soap residue.